Virtual Reality
虛擬現實,或虛擬實境(Virtual Reality),簡稱VR技術,也稱靈境技術或人工環境,是利用電腦模擬產生一個三度空間的虛擬世界,提供使用者關於視覺、聽覺、觸覺等感官的模擬,讓使用者如同身歷其境一般,可以及時、沒有限制地觀察三度空間內的事物。使用者進行位置移動時,電腦可以立即進行複雜的運算,將精確的3D世界影像傳回產生臨場感。該技術集成了計算機圖形(CG)技術、計算機模擬技術、人工智慧、感測技術、顯示技術、網路并行處理等技術的最新發展成果,是一種由計算機技術輔助生成的高技術模擬系統。
Virtual reality is an environment which is produced by a computer and seems very like reality to the person experiencing it.
virtual ['vɝtʃuəl]
1. 很接近的;幾乎…的;事實上的;實際上的;實質上的
2. (通過計算機軟件)模擬的,虛擬的
reality [rɪ'ælətɪ]
in reality 實際上;事實上
IPTV services may be classified into three main groups: live television, time-shifted programming, and content (or video) on demand. It is distinguished from general Internet-based or web-based multimedia services by its on-going standardizationprocess (e.g., ETSI) and preferential deployment scenarios in subscriber-based telecommunications networks with high-speed access channels into end-user premises via set-top boxes or other customer-premises equipment.
Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or it can be connected to a host computer. A typical Arduino board carries the controller, some digital and analogue I/O lines, and a serial or USB interface to the host. This host is used for both programming the board, and run-time interaction with the Arduino. Arduinos themselves generally do not have networking facilities, but it is common to combine one or more Arduinos with a networked host, using the Arduino as hardware controllers and the host as a network or user interface. Host interfacing is simple, since the host software may be written in a variety of languages. A popular language is Processing, but other languages that can access the serial connection are Max/MSP, Pure Data, SuperCollider, ActionScript, and Java
The Reactable is an electronic musical instrument with a tabletop Tangible User Interface that has been developed within the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain by Sergi Jordà, Marcos Alonso, Martin Kaltenbrunner and Günter Geiger.
Basic operation
The Reactable is a round translucent table, used in a darkened room, and appears as a backlit display. By placing blocks called tangibles on the table, and interfacing with the visual display via the tangibles or fingertips, a virtual modular synthesizer is operated, creating music or sound effects.
Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens
Source:(IEEE Spectrum:Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens)
BY Babak A. Parviz // September 2009
The human eye is a perceptual powerhouse. It can see millions of colors, adjust easily to shifting light conditions, and transmit information to the brain at a rate exceeding that of a high-speed Internet connection.
But why stop there?
In the Terminator movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character sees the world with data superimposed on his visual field—virtual captions that enhance the cyborg’s scan of a scene. In stories by the science fiction author Vernor Vinge, characters rely on electronic contact lenses, rather than smartphones or brain implants, for seamless access to information that appears right before their eyes.
These visions (if I may) might seem far-fetched, but a contact lens with simple built-in electronics is already within reach; in fact, my students and I are already producing such devices in small numbers in my laboratory at the University of Washington, in Seattle [see sidebar, "A Twinkle in the Eye"]. These lenses don’t give us the vision of an eagle or the benefit of running subtitles on our surroundings yet. But we have built a lens with one LED, which we’ve powered wirelessly with RF. What we’ve done so far barely hints at what will soon be possible with this technology.
Conventional contact lenses are polymers formed in specific shapes to correct faulty vision. To turn such a lens into a functional system, we integrate control circuits, communication circuits, and miniature antennas into the lens using custom-built optoelectronic components. Those components will eventually include hundreds of LEDs, which will form images in front of the eye, such as words, charts, and photographs. Much of the hardware is semitransparent so that wearers can navigate their surroundings without crashing into them or becoming disoriented. In all likelihood, a separate, portable device will relay displayable information to the lens’s control circuit, which will operate the optoelectronics in the lens.
These lenses don’t need to be very complex to be useful. Even a lens with a single pixel could aid people with impaired hearing or be incorporated as an indicator into computer games. With more colors and resolution, the repertoire could be expanded to include displaying text, translating speech into captions in real time, or offering visual cues from a navigation system. With basic image processing and Internet access, a contact-lens display could unlock whole new worlds of visual information, unfettered by the constraints of a physical display.
Besides visual enhancement, noninvasive monitoring of the wearer’s biomarkers and health indicators could be a huge future market. We’ve built several simple sensors that can detect the concentration of a molecule, such as glucose. Sensors built onto lenses would let diabetic wearers keep tabs on blood-sugar levels without needing to prick a finger. The glucose detectors we’re evaluating now are a mere glimmer of what will be possible in the next 5 to 10 years. Contact lenses are worn daily by more than a hundred million people, and they are one of the only disposable, mass-market products that remain in contact, through fluids, with the interior of the body for an extended period of time. When you get a blood test, your doctor is probably measuring many of the same biomarkers that are found in the live cells on the surface of your eye—and in concentrations that correlate closely with the levels in your bloodstream. An appropriately configured contact lens could monitor cholesterol, sodium, and potassium levels, to name a few potential targets. Coupled with a wireless data transmitter, the lens could relay information to medics or nurses instantly, without needles or laboratory chemistry, and with a much lower chance of mix-ups.