Have a meal time


Kuo Zhong-kuan's Sharing the Meal is technologically clever. The piece consists of an (interactive lazy Susan) covered with dishes of Chinese food molded from plastic. When the dishes are touched by the viewer, animated images automatically appear and run across the table. Technologically, the work is perfect, but what often happens with high-tech art is that the focus is on the wizardry of the gadgetry rather than any deeper message. So touching the acrylic-glazed fish will cause a pixilated fish to wiggle and jiggle, but the absence of metaphors leaves the viewer with little to ponder.







moJo iCuisine is the firstly realized (interactive restaurant) in Taiwan. With creative western food, fusion and molecular gastronomy, moJo iCuisine approaches the fascinating dining experience with interactive service design. Each dining table in the restaurant is overlaid with interactive interfaces for restaurant consumers to browse menu, order dishes/drinks, play little games while waiting for the meals, viewing advertisements, fill out opinion forms, and checking/paying the bills. The colorful and flourishing landscape composed of these interactive dining tables is also a catalyst to empower a joyful experience in the restaurant.

moJo iCuisine是台灣首先創立的(互動餐廳)。隨著創意西餐,融合和分子美食,moJo iCuisine是很吸引人的點餐體驗與互動服務設計。餐廳的每個餐桌上覆蓋著互動式的瀏覽菜單,可以點餐跟飲料,和玩小遊戲,然後在等待餐點來時,可以看廣告,填寫意見表,並檢查和支付帳單。這些餐桌像催化劑一般,讓人們在餐廳內可以快樂的體驗豐富多彩多姿的景觀。

In this project, we have not only designed the visual system for moJo iCuisine, including entrance image, name cards, and the delightful graphic interface of the interactive dining table, but also implemented a database system following the notion of service design. The interactive dining table which connected to the database, offers an opportunity to record and trace consumers’ preferences, and compiled statistics for the commercial operations of the restaurant.

在這個項目中,我們不僅針對 Mojo iCuisine在視覺上的設計,包括入口的形象、名片、以及令人愉快的圖形界面的互動餐桌,而且還建立了一個數據庫系統和服務的設計概念。互動式餐桌連接到數據庫,提供了一個機會來記錄和跟踪消費者的偏好,以及統計的商業運營的餐廳。


moJo iCuisine's (Interactive Dining Table) is a modular table unit equipped with touch sensors. Each table can be seated with two diners. The visual interface is projected from the top installation, and is specially designed to be viewed and interacted with on two opposite orientations. Diners could touch and toss the circular menu to select dishes to see introduction of each.

moJo iCuisine的(互動餐桌)是一個模組化的桌子,配備了觸控式感應器。一張桌子可以給兩個人使用。可視化界面,預計從頂部安裝,是專門設計來看待和互動的兩個相反的方向。就餐者可以觸控,用餐者可以接觸而且投擲圓形的菜單選擇盤子見到每個餐點的介紹。


information of restaurant:http://www.mojo.tw/



SoniCoumn is an interactive sound installation that can be played by a person’s touch. The installation takes the form of a column-like cylinder, of a height that does not quite reach the ceiling but just high enough for one’s reach. Grids of LEDs installed inside the column light themselves on by the users’ touch and emit unique sounds. When a user cranks the handle, the column slowly rotates itself and plays the light patterns of the user’s touch.


SoniColumn is one of my series of works, The MusicBox Project, the reproduction of my experience with a small music box that I happened to play a long time ago. The lucid sounds coming from a simple play mechanism stirred me up with my old memory echoed with them. I am pleasantly and cautiously reproducing this happy experience with a small toy which was not sublime nor mysterious, but simple and easy.

音樂圓柱是我的音樂盒系列作品之ㄧ(註:作者睦鎮耀Jin-Yo Mok),構想是複製於很久以前演奏音樂盒的經驗,那明亮的聲音來自於記憶中機械的轉動,不是壯麗神秘而是單純易玩的小玩具。
