SoniCoumn is an interactive sound installation that can be played by a person’s touch. The installation takes the form of a column-like cylinder, of a height that does not quite reach the ceiling but just high enough for one’s reach. Grids of LEDs installed inside the column light themselves on by the users’ touch and emit unique sounds. When a user cranks the handle, the column slowly rotates itself and plays the light patterns of the user’s touch.
SoniColumn is one of my series of works, The MusicBox Project, the reproduction of my experience with a small music box that I happened to play a long time ago. The lucid sounds coming from a simple play mechanism stirred me up with my old memory echoed with them. I am pleasantly and cautiously reproducing this happy experience with a small toy which was not sublime nor mysterious, but simple and easy.
音樂圓柱是我的音樂盒系列作品之ㄧ(註:作者睦鎮耀Jin-Yo Mok),構想是複製於很久以前演奏音樂盒的經驗,那明亮的聲音來自於記憶中機械的轉動,不是壯麗神秘而是單純易玩的小玩具。
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